Design Your Personal Brand – December 14, 2022

Creating the right personal brand will help you connect with the right people and consistently stand out. This could be the difference between people asking “Who are you?” and “Thank you for being here”.

This interactive experience will provide you with hands-on learning moments, while also allowing you to network with professionals and engage in the soft-skills that you will need to navigate next steps of your personal and professional chapters in life.

Apply Now

We will be accepting applications until November 25, 2022.

We will notify individuals on December 1, 2022 to confirm if we have secured a spot for you for this event. We will be accepting 30 students in total from grades 9-12.

What is your personality type?
Choose the one that you gravitate towards, your best guess is okay here (It's okay if you select more than one type).
Please confirm that you are availabe to attend the event on December 14, 2022 from 12:45pm-6:30pm.

Application Visual Art Submission

Design your personal crest.

  • Include a shield that shows 3 or 4 symbols of your interests.
  • Include a crest and headpiece.
  • Include support animals or mythical beasts.
  • Include a scroll with your name

Get creative, all medium types accepted, upload a photo of your final submission.

Drop files here or
Max. file size: 50 MB.